All Posts from 2018

A series of articles focused on managing the double-crop rotation are coming this season. 

In southern Illinois, along I-64 and I-70, double-cropping soybeans after wheat is a common rotation, as the combination of the two crops harvested in one year often produces more net revenue than corn, soybeans or wheat alone.

A successful double-crop rotation with both crops producing high yields requires above average management. And...

Although the planters have not officially started rolling in Illinois, it is safe to say that soybeans will most likely win the battle for most acres in 2018. With this being the case, many acres across the state will be coming off a continuous corn rotation and either going back into a more traditional corn-soybean rotation or going to continuous soybeans. One important detail that will be overlooked this planting season is treating soybean...

Want to product high wheat yields? Intensive spring management is the key.

Widespread heavy rains and an Easter blizzard across parts of Illinois haven’t made the last few weeks feel much like our traditional springs. But spring is here and there will be a lot to do as soon as field conditions allow. Despite our cool/cold wet weather, wheat fields have greened up and a lot of growth has occurred, with most of the crop in southern...

Want to product high wheat yields? Intensive spring management is the key.

Widespread heavy rains and an Easter blizzard across parts of Illinois haven’t made the last few weeks feel much like our traditional springs. But spring is here and there will be a lot to do as soon as field conditions allow. Despite our cool/cold wet weather, wheat fields have greened up and a lot of growth has occurred, with most of the crop in southern...

All winter long growers have been bombarded with articles, meetings and retailers preaching the benefits of early soybean planting. For some growers this is their 2nd, 3rd or even 4th year of harvesting the benefits of early soybean planting, but for many growers this may be their first experience. To be successful and achieve the extra 8 – 10 bushels that have been advertised there a few things to consider.

Planting soybeans earlier...

All winter long growers have been bombarded with articles, meetings and retailers preaching the benefits of early soybean planting. For some growers this is their 2nd, 3rd or even 4th year of harvesting the benefits of early soybean planting, but for many growers this may be their first experience. To be successful and achieve the extra 8 – 10 bushels that have been advertised there a few things to consider.

Planting soybeans earlier...
