All Posts from April 2018

Article originally posted on the Bulletin.

Slugs can be a difficult pest to manage when conditions are favorable for them, which has been the case often (particularly in southern Illinois) over the last couple of years. These mollusks can damage both corn and soybean early in the season, along with a variety of other crops; however, they have the potential to be...

In a bean-pod…

  • Use a soybean seed treatment
  • Plant less than 140,000 seeds in white mold areas
  • Target a final stand of 100,000+ plants in productive fields
  • Target a final stand of 135,000+ plants in low productivity fields or areas within fields

Soybean seeding rate is one of the most heavily debated and frankly, in my humble opinion, the most overthought agronomic decision we make in...

Article originally posted on the Burrus Buzz.

Recently, both agronomists and growers have been circling around the question of soybean row width and during a recent Twitter poll, 37% voted for me to write about soybean row spacing. This soybean management strategy has been pondered for almost 80 years. I...

This spring, plant some soybeans early and wait for “perfect” soil conditions for corn.

April continues to be cold and wet, straining last fall and winter’s planting intentions. For many growers, those plans were to include early planting of soybeans. The data shows that early planting continually shows returns, but now the calendar looks to push us to late April or even May for the first planting opportunities. So, what will that do...

Beans are planted. What steps can you take today to make sure they thrive?

Getting the crop in the ground checks items off my planning list:

  • Soil fertility 
  • Genetics matched to my conditions 
  • Optimum row spacing and population
  • Customized seed treatment
  • Foliar protection plan
  • Weather’s out of my control, cross fingers 

Now just sit back and wait for harvest...

As field activity ramps up for 2018, pay attention to soybean seed quality. Several factors soybeans experienced last fall resulted in delicate seed beans this spring that require careful handling during seed treatment and movement between bins, boxes, tanks, hoppers and the seedbed. Unseasonably warm temperatures during ripening dried soybeans too quickly. That was followed by repeated wetting and drying periods that delayed harvest and...
