Agronomics: Don Guinnip: Southern Illinois Preharvest Report is reaching out to farmers across the state to get their preseason harvest predictions and postharvest reflections. 

Southern Illinois Preharvest Report

Don Guinnip, ISA Director and soybean farmer from Marshall, Ill., reports that group-3 soybeans are starting to mature, and he expects harvest to begin the first week of October. “I have a very positive outlook for fall 2014 harvest. Pod counts look good, and we expect soybean harvest to begin at a normal time,” Guinnip says.   


The Marshall area has received more than two inches of rain since August 31, 2014. A weather system on September 10 brought nine tenths of an inch of rain to the Guinnip Farm and winds that caused lodging in several varieties.

Guinnip mentioned that warm days are needed to ensure that the soybeans mature fully. The recent cool, wet conditions are causing double-crop soybeans to struggle as they reach maturity. “We had good rains during pod fill, we are just lacking growing degree days.”

Yield Expectations

Pod counts last week revealed a range from about 20 pods/plant for no-till double-crop soybeans up to 35+ pods/plant for no-till group-4 soybeans. 

Plant Health

“Certain varieties have died in areas of some fields. We are attributing this to Sudden Death Syndrome,” says Guinnip, “We’ve also noticed that it is more common in the early group-3 beans that were conventionally planted.”  Guinnip hopes that this won’t lead to significant yield loss because it is not widespread.

Brown stem rot has been spotted in areas across the state due to the rain and humidity, but Guinnip isn’t having considerable issues with it in his fields.

Other Observations

Guinnip is excited about the prospect of high yields, but notes that storage will be a concern for farmers. Corn is also expected to yield well, and this may put a strain on the local elevators. Farmers and elevators alike are developing alternative storage plans in Guinnip’s area.

Market prices also are a concern on Guinnip’s mind. With market prices down, farmers will be thankful for high yields, but Guinnip acknowledges that this may have long-term effects. “If soybeans get below ten dollars, farmers may need to roll up their sleeves and sharpen their pencils, because we are going to have to cut costs next year.” 

Check back soon for updates from central and northern Illinois.

Illinois Soybean Association
The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) checkoff and membership programs represent more than 43,000 soybean farmers in Illinois. The checkoff funds market development and utilization efforts while the membership program supports the government relations interests of Illinois soybean farmers at the local, state, and national level through the Illinois Soybean Growers (ISG). ISA upholds the interests of Illinois soybean producers through promotion, advocacy, and education with the vision of becoming a market leader in sustainable soybean production and profitability. For more information, visit the website and



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