Weed Management: Late Season Weeds Create Harvest Challenges

It has been a challenging year to say the least! Last week we got another 1.5 inches of rain which should help the late soybeans fill out the pods completely. Also, the broadleaf weeds and grass are still growing along with the soybeans.

The question I have gotten is “How am I going to combine that weedy mess? We will need an early frost or we can make a chemical application to kill the weeds and soybeans to make harvest easier.

Chemicals can be a solution but always read and follow the label before making a chemical application!

First, make sure the soybeans are in the R6.5 growth stage so the chemical doesn’t hurt yield. Here are some suggestions on determining the proper stage of plant development for making a late-season post application.

  1. Collect pods from the top four nodes of random plants.
  2. Open the pods and look for the separation of the beans from the white membrane of the soybean pod wall.
  3. If all of the seed will shell easily the seed is at its maximum dry weight and it is safe to spray the harvest aid.

I would recommend using Gramoxone® at a 16 oz/acre rate with nonionic surfactant. The label states that 65% of the soybean pods need to be brown in color. Also, we cannot harvest the soybeans for 15 days after application. This should be enough time for all of the green vegetation to get dry enough to combine without any trouble.

Bill Orr is the owner of Agronomic Insights and has been in the seed and fertilizer business for over 29 years. He also currently farms with his family in Reddick, Ill. He believes that his experience helps him better understand the challenges that farmers face and is looking forward to sharing that experience as a Soy CCA Envoy.

Bill Orr



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