Agronomy: Soybean Planting Progress

As I am writing this update it is 55 degrees and cloudy with 33 mph gusts.  It sure does not feel like spring and not the spring soybeans like! Planting progress has been delayed by several rounds of light to moderate rainfall recently. Much of the area received multiple showers, usually averaging a third to 1” per rain event, with reported totals for the last week ranging from 1.5” to 2.5”. Luckily, much of the region has not received pounding rains and reports of flooding or drenching are extremely rare.  While we would like to have the crop planted, we are grateful for the rain, as many growers were concerned with drier than anticipated conditions forecast earlier.  The forecast shows rain chances for the end of the week through the weekend, but it is still early and that could change. 

Luckily, many retailers and growers have reported that they have made great progress with burndown applications.  A majority of the region utilizes residual herbicides and fields are extremely clean at this point. There are pockets where progress has been delayed and fields are starting to be of concern, but those areas are being monitored and applications will be adjusted for weed species and weed size. 

As far as soybean planting progress, we have a long road ahead of us. Currently, most growers have been focused on completing planting their corn.  There are, however, several growers throughout the region who completed corn and now have a few acres of soybeans planted.  In Henry and Mercer counties there are some growers that have completed their soybean planting, while others have not started.  As we move north through the region, there are fewer growers with soybeans planted and those that have started have minimal acres in the ground.  Because of last week’s warm weather and moisture, soybeans that were planted emerged nearly perfectly. Stands are healthy and consistent; we are off to a great start! 

As a friendly reminder, consider entering the 2015 Illinois Soybean Association’s 100 Bushel Challenge and Crop District Shootout.  The program is designed to help growers discover agronomic practices that can help us all achieve higher-yielding soybeans and a greater return on investment.  I would be thrilled to discuss options for your farm or work with your trusted advisor to explore options on producing high-yield soybeans.  More information can be found at

Continue to have a safe spring!

Lynda Anderson
District 1 


Lynda Anderson



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