Agronomics: Yield Challenge Update: Checking in with Dan Arkels during Harvest

We’re following soybean farmer and repeat Yield Challenge participant Dan Arkels as he works toward winning the 100 Bushel Challenge. When we last checked in he reflected on a dry July, a wet August, and the possibility of sudden death syndrome (SDS) threatening his yields. Let’s see how his Peru, Ill., test plot is doing during harvest.

A good year for soybeans

In August, Arkels experienced the fluctuating weather and resulting SDS that concerned many Illinois growers this season. However, a month later those issues are a thing of the past. “I haven’t seen any more problems,” he explains. “The beans ripened naturally without any issues.”

In a growing season predicted to break soybean production records, Dan Arkels is no exception. “The beans are good in my area,” he says. When we talked to Arkels, he was harvesting 80-bushel soybeans from his regular acres, and he says his Challenge plot looks even better.

Reflections on the 100 Bushel Yield Challenge

Arkels, who also competed in the ISA Yield Challenge last year, enjoys the on-farm research he is able to do on his test plot. “I learned a lot of things that I can apply to normal production acres,” he explains, “and it helps increase my yield. I want to be the first one in Illinois to reach 100 bushels, and I hope the yield turns out to be as good as it looks.”

How verification works:

Verification plays an important role in selecting a winner of the 100 Bushel Yield Challenge. Here’s how the verification process works:

  • ISA and the farmer/agronomist team each select ISA-approved verifiers to be present at harvest
  • ISA-sponsored verifiers use a yield worksheet and original scale ticket to validate calculations
  • Yield Challenge Facilitator Don Meyer confirms the accuracy of yield calculations and informs the sponsor, the ISA-sponsored verifier and ISA.
  • Within five days of harvest, ISA has a confirmed yield count.
  • The reward of $5,000 will be granted to the grower with the greatest qualifying yield over 100 bushels.

Check back for tips and updates harvest. You also can share your crop progress in by tweeting us at @ILSoy_News.

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Illinois Soybean Association
The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) checkoff and membership programs represent more than 43,000 soybean farmers in Illinois. The checkoff funds market development and utilization efforts while the membership program supports the government relations interests of Illinois soybean farmers at the local, state, and national level through the Illinois Soybean Growers (ISG). ISA upholds the interests of Illinois soybean producers through promotion, advocacy, and education with the vision of becoming a market leader in sustainable soybean production and profitability. For more information, visit the website and



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