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In 2014, Illinois farmers raised 547.7-million bushels of soybeans on 9.8-million harvested acres.
Pest issues in your soybeans? Let us help you identify it. The Plant Clinic has the rare opportunity to see pest issues from all over the state, and each year brings its own challenges and surprises. Weather, variety selection and cultural issues all combine to make each pest season unique.
Since 1982 I have been an independent crop consultant. I have spent my time analyzing what was in my clients’ soil and what travels up into the plants.
Illinois continues to make progress in soybean production, taking the title in 2014 of top soybean producer for the second year in a row.
Using cover crops in between corn and soybean crop production in the Midwest could significantly reduce nitrate load runoff via subsurface drains, according to USDA scientists.
The technology for variable rate seed has been around for about 15 years.
