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We’ve assembled a team of Certified Crop Advisers who are passionate about soybeans from across the state to provide reports from the field, insight on timely soybean issues and a personal perspective on the trials and successes that face the soybean industry.
Planting sorghum can add another control option for managing tough weeds.
Soybeans require a lot of potassium, about 170 lbs. to produce 70 bushels. The soil either has a sufficient reserve or it doesn’t. And recent evidence points to increasingly insufficient reserves.
Management, more than inputs, is still the key to higher soybean yields, according to the latest USB-funded university research.
As temperatures rise and winter comes to a close, growers are beginning to make decisions for the next growing season.
Soil sampling is critical to ensuring adequate levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as managing soil PH. The payoff: achieving good nodulation and, in turn, high yields.
