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There are many good reasons to use a soil-applied residual herbicide for soybeans. Producers may want to:
Parts of the Corn Belt are experiencing significant potassium declines due to greater than anticipated crop removal due to the high yields coming off fields. Unfortunately, fertilizer rates haven’t increased significantly to compensate and soil test levels are increasingly below critical values.
When it comes to soil health, you might have to dig a little deeper, look at things from a different angle or make sure everything balances out to improve your dirt's fertility.
Properly terminating a cover crop in the spring is as important as properly establishing a cover crop in the fall. Annual ryegrass seems to be the one cover crop that has the most questions about termination. And if you don’t kill it at the correct growing stage, the chance of killing it as it is jointing and...
Our first year of cover cropping was successful overall. Like any crop production, it takes good management, stewardship and optimism.
Plant height has been shown to be positively correlated with both yield and lodging. Soybeans can get too tall and lodge. Yet if soybeans are too short, the pods are closer to the ground and harder to retrieve with a platform head.
