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Variable rate planting technology has been around a long time now. We have the technology to create planting zones and deliver seed based on these zones.
One of the single most important decisions you can make as a soybean grower is selecting the best variety for your field.
A recent report in the scientific journal Nature said changes in climate are costing U.S. producers $11 billion in lost yield.
Following the 2014 growing season, many soybean growers found themselves asking how to better manage white mold.
Winter wheat acres across WI have declined over the past few years due to high corn and soybean prices and late grain harvests. As farmers get ready to kick off the 2015 growing season here are a few suggestions to help get your 2016 winter wheat crop established on time.
So, can you apply a starter fertilizer on soybeans and, if so, what are the rules?
