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Dr. Shawn Conley’s virtual Soybean Summit session, held on Wednesday, February 10, discussed how changes in soybean physiology have influenced soybean yield potential.
This webinar will take a deeper dive into how a soybean plant works and functions, which leads to a better understanding of how to manage to the pain points of a soybean plant. Looking at a soybean plant as a factory will show that how it’s managed directly impacts the output.
It is 2021 and technology continues to surge.
University of Illinois researchers publish an annual report of applied research conducted on insect and disease management in soybean and corn.
Double-cropping wheat and soybeans is a popular strategy in parts of Illinois.
In late August of 2020 I started to see a disturbing trend. Bean Leaf Beetle (BLB) populations were well above previous years.
