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During the Soybean Summit session on February 24, I had the opportunity to learn from Dr. Bernards with the Western Illinois University School of Agriculture and his presentation of “What to do while we wait for the Elusive ‘Silver Bullet.’"
Over the last several years, multiple factors have been studied that need to be considered to maximize soybean yields.
During the second session of Soybean Summit on February 17, I had the opportunity to learn from Dr. Nick Seiter, who presented “Insect Management: What did we learn in 2020?
During the first session of the 2021 Soybean Summit on February 10, I had the opportunity to learn from Dr. Kleczewski’s presentation, “Seedling Disease and Seed Treatment-What’s the deal?”
The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) has had to adjust their pesticide applicator and operator training and exam process this year due to the pandemic, which means anyone who needs to do so for recertification must adjust as well.
I’ve always wanted pictures of a cover crop peaking out from underneath of a light blanket of sparkling white snow.
