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While the good news for Illinois wheat growers is that fusarium head blight (FHB) has not been a significant issue the last three years, challenges remain to its management in the future.
Like corn, wheat is a grass, so nitrogen is one of the key nutrients that a wheat plant needs to grow.
Double cropping is a way for farmers to get the most out of their land. Using a double crop strategy can be difficult but reaps a great reward for farmers willing to take on the challenge.
With soybeans rallying at the close of 2020, many farmers were left wondering: Would I make more profit in 2021 with soybeans on my undecided acres?
This project is focused on using the producer survey database to identify and strategically evaluate management changes in on-farm research settings across the US NC region.
Once your business is setup for payroll, the next step is to figure and write the employee’s paycheck.
