Recent Posts

Will it ever stop raining? We got 11.5 inches in one week in east central Illinois. I have been getting a lot of questions about delayed planting.
High fertilizer prices and environmental degradation associated with fertilizer applications are two hot topics in many people’s mind.
I just checked out the 7-, 14-, 30- and 60-day rainfall accumulation maps on the National Weather Services website and observed amazingly extensive blue and green areas across Illinois and a wide swath of other colors over central and eastern Corn Belt states—representing 200% to 500% of normal precipitation...
It’s been another challenging crop year–and a compelling reason to consider new technologies and ideas
Should you be applying nitrogen (N) on soybeans? The quickest answer is no—soybeans are a legume and have the ability to fix their own nitrogen, but everyone knows that!
Under any sort of normal conditions we would have been done spraying herbicides long before July 10.
