Recent Webinars - All Topics

WEBINAR: The SOY FACTORY - Managing the System for Maximum Output

March 18, 2021

1 CEU in Crop Management

This webinar will take a deeper dive into how a soybean plant works and functions, which leads to a better understanding of how to manage to the pain points of a soybean plant. Looking at a soybean plant as a factory will show that how it’s managed directly impacts the output.

WEBINAR: Managing Cover Crops for a Modern Production System

January 14, 2021

1 CEU in Soil and Water Management

This webinar will explore the overall value of utilizing cover crops in modern production systems.

WEBINAR: Conservation and Farmland Leasing: Issues for Non-Operating Landowners

August 20, 2020

1 CEU in

Register for this August 20 webinar on cover crops and how to have conversations with your landowner about conservation.

WEBINAR: PGR's - The Missing Link to Next Level Soybean Yield

July 14, 2020

1 CEU in Crop Management

Learn how progressive farmers are managing their crops using plant growth regulators in combination with proper nutrition at critical crop stages from planting to harvest to break through yield barriers and realize greater yield potential.

WEBINAR: Why Plant Health is More than Just Disease

June 25, 2020

1 CEU in Crop Management

Just like humans, crops are subject to stress caused by factors in their environment every day. And just like humans, if crops are stressed, they will not function and perform up to their maximum potential.

WEBINAR: Insect Pest Management in Soybeans: What to Watch Out for in 2020

June 04, 2020

1 CEU in Integrated Pest Management

This webinar will focus on season-long insect pest management in soybeans. We will discuss biology, damage potential and management tactics for dectes stem borer, stink bugs and defoliating insects.

WEBINAR: Management Decisions Given COVID-19

May 12, 2020

1 CEU in

The coronavirus and its control measures have changed economic outlook, leading to lower soybean prices.
