Recent webinars about Nutrient Management

WEBINAR: Soil Health Tests - What, Why and How?

December 09, 2021

1 CEU in Soil and Water Management

Soil health tests are a big conversation topic these days, but there’s a lot of conflicting information out there. Presented by Stacy Zuber, Ph.D., State Soil Health Specialist with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, this webinar discusses how soil health tests differ from measuring soil fertility, sampling and handling procedures and how to interpret your results.

WEBINAR: Understanding Biologicals For Improved Soybean Management

July 22, 2021

1 CEU in Crop Management

This webinar will highlight how biological products are categorized, current research and what other management practices help achieve the full economic benefit of biologicals.

WEBINAR: The SOY FACTORY - Managing the System for Maximum Output

March 18, 2021

1 CEU in Crop Management

This webinar will take a deeper dive into how a soybean plant works and functions, which leads to a better understanding of how to manage to the pain points of a soybean plant. Looking at a soybean plant as a factory will show that how it’s managed directly impacts the output.

WEBINAR: Nitrogen Management Systems in Tile Drained Fields: Optimizing Yields and Minimizing Losses

August 21, 2018

1 CEU in Soil and Water Management

Lowell Gentry will demonstrate annual nutrient losses from tile drained agricultural watersheds in east central Illinois and will focus on a replicated tile drainage study under a corn/soybean rotation.

WEBINAR: Soil Organic Matter-A Fulcrum With Many Forms And Functions

July 16, 2018

1 CEU in Nutrient Management

Joel Gruver from Western Illinois University explains how soil organic matter helps improve soil productivity and health as part of the ILSoyAdvisor webinar series.

WEBINAR: Managing P and K on Soybeans by Soil Test Level, Yield Expectation and Water Quality

November 22, 2017

Mullen says it’s important to have a holistic plan that factors in all macronutrients.

Webinar: Optimizing Crop Nutrition With Tissue Testing

May 03, 2017

1 CEU in Nutrient Management

Jason Haegele from WinField United explains the basics of tissue testing, including nutrient uptake and interaction, sampling methods, sufficiency levels, and how to interpret results.
