Recent webinars about Crop Management

This webinar will highlight how biological products are categorized, current research and what other management practices help achieve the full economic benefit of biologicals.
One important component of a successful high-yielding soybean management program is to understand when and how to apply fungicides, as well as which products to use. This webinar will provide an in-depth explanation about how timely fungicide applications can be leveraged to mitigate soybean stress.
This webinar will take a deeper dive into how a soybean plant works and functions, which leads to a better understanding of how to manage to the pain points of a soybean plant. Looking at a soybean plant as a factory will show that how it’s managed directly impacts the output.
Learn how progressive farmers are managing their crops using plant growth regulators in combination with proper nutrition at critical crop stages from planting to harvest to break through yield barriers and realize greater yield potential.
Just like humans, crops are subject to stress caused by factors in their environment every day. And just like humans, if crops are stressed, they will not function and perform up to their maximum potential.
