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2014 might be the year that growers in Illinois break 100 bushels per acre.
How is your soybean stand this season? Over the past few weeks, we asked you to cast your vote in the latest ILSoyAdvisor Quick Poll.
Dan Arkels is no stranger to healthy competition. The past two growing seasons he has won the National Corn Growers Association’s Yield Contest for the state of Illinois.
Brazilian yield challenge winners now routinely break 100 bags per hectare, a unit of measure close to 100 bushels per acre (100 bags per hectare equals about 91 to 92 bushels per acre).
Many experts consider soybean cyst nematode (SCN) the greatest threat to soybean yields.
This growing season we are following Dan Arkels, a LaSalle County farmer striving to reach 100 bushels per acre in ISA’s Yield Challenge contest.
