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Palmer amaranth is becoming more of a problem in many parts of Illinois. In this podcast, Jonathan Perkins, Southern Illinois practical farm research location director and team sales agronomist for Beck’s Superior Hybrids, explains the challenge created by Palmer amaranth and what farmers can do to keep the weed...
Hello, my name is Randy Stephens and I am an agronomist, CCA and work with Helena Chemical in Martinsville, Illinois.
With a downturn in commodity prices, many farmers are wondering what changes they will need to make in 2015 to remain profitable.
Today most soybeans are seeded with a conventional planter.
This ASA educational podcast is brought to you by the Soy Checkoff. Value added soybean meal could lead to profit for soybean farmers and provide animal agriculture the quality it desires.
Spring is here and soils are slowly beginning to warm up. As they warm up, they become microbially active, feeding on carbon and recycling nutrients.
