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New Focus on Soybean Webcast Highlights Oomycetes’ Role in Rot Resistance
Does seed size make a difference when deciding on what plant population to seed? A pound of soybean seed can range from a low of 2,000 seeds to a high of 3,200 seeds, but generally falls in the range of 2,400 to 2,800 seeds per lb.
Does rolling soybeans after planting pay? It is too late to use that technology in 2015, but if has some value perhaps you can consider it in 2016.
When a spring that started off cold and dry turns warm and wet it becomes challenging to stay ahead of weed infestations.
Stunted, yellow areas in my soybeans: disease, nutrient deficiency or just too much water?
WOW! We are having a lot of thunderstorms coming through our area in June. We have not been in the field for two weeks. Fields that got planted are waterlogged and all of the low areas have water ponding in them
