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Summer is a season of fun; but for soybean plants, summer can be anything but pleasant.
Frequent and heavy rains have created waterlogged and ponded areas in many soybean fields in Michigan.
The forecast for the coming week is for continued rain and in many cases this will fall on already saturated soils across the northern and west central part of the state.
Did you know that over the past couple of years as much as 43 – 44% of soybeans grown in Illinois were exported? Efficient transportation systems and sound infrastructure ensure Illinois soybean farmers maintain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
As we all know, the average American Farmer is 57 years old; this means those growers graduated high school in 1976, a very uninhibited time in our history.
You know and follow the blog—now mark your calendars because the experts from are coming to a soybean field near you
