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Everywhere you turn, the words “soil health,” “regenerative,” and “sustainable” are buzzing in the agriculture space.
I am sure most of our readers have been in a situation where they have called their seed rep or agronomist and told them that they’re concerned about seeds not coming up due to recent, challenging, environmental events.
One important component of a successful high-yielding soybean management program is to understand when and how to apply fungicides, as well as which products to use. This webinar will provide an in-depth explanation about how timely fungicide applications can be leveraged to mitigate soybean stress.
Whether you’ve already filed, reviewing your return or have yet to receive all your tax documents, there are often many questions as to which income items are taxable and how they are taxed.
The American Soybean Association provided a snapshot for crop producers of the carbon market landscape as of April 2021.
Digital ag platforms allow growers to verify the results of industry and third-party testing and implement experiments to answer other questions they may have.
