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Post applications to promote soybean growth should be timed for optimal efficacy.
“Ephemeral gullies” are small channels that are formed in natural, concentrated water flow areas. They are generally shallow, yet visible, and are normally easily filled in by annual tillage. They will typically re-develop again in the same location after additional runoff events and continue to erode valuable...
With the storm that moved through the state the past week, it is not surprising that we are seeing more seedling diseases in soybeans.
The number of acres planted to LibertyLink® soybeans has grown significantly in 2018 and I want to thank all of you who plant LibertyLink beans as an alternative to traditional glyphosate beans. Here is a list Bayer uses to help growers be successful with Liberty herbicide application technology.
Why helping with the Illinois Yield Challenge, since its inception in 2009, interested me and why Illinois needed this initiative.
So just how much yield loss comes from volunteer corn?
