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Kris Ehler, sales agronomist with Ehler Brothers Co. in Thomoasboro, IL and 2018 CCA Soy Envoy, has recently had the opportunity to check out some AKER and IntelinAir aerial imagery products and is excited to share his feedback and experience with our listeners.
Over the past 5 years, soybean yields have increased to a new standard.
July through August is a good time to check soybean fields for soybean cyst nematodes (SCN), the most devastating pest for soybean growers in Nebraska and across the United States.
If the appearance of the soybean crop going into late July predicts how it will yield, the 2018 crop in Illinois is going to be a high-yielding one.
Does a threshold exist for foliar fungicide treatments on soybeans?
Adopting the Early Wheat Harvest System can increase the yield of double-crop soybeans, but it doesn’t always work out as planned since weather is the big variable.
