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The wet spring has delayed more than planting. Weed control plans are in jeopardy, too.
As we near the middle of May, many farmers are running out of time to get their crops in by the crop insurance final planting date. Are you weighing the options of switching up crops or maybe just not planting a field at all?
Samantha Schmidgall, CCA Soy Envoy and sales agronomist with the GROWMARK-FS system in Toluca, Illinois, breaks down the complex sector of biologicals in the latest ILSoyAdvisor Podcast.
As rain and cool conditions have delayed planting for many growers across Illinois and the Midwest, I’ve been having more than a few conversations around what we can do to minimize yield losses when planting soybeans later.
Soils in Illinois have been plagued with wet weather since last fall, similar to the conditions of Indiana.
Learn how new 2,4-D choline in Enlist™ herbicides provides effective control of tough and glyphosate-resistant weeds.
