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Chances are that you may have heard the term ‘mycorrhizal’ at some point in recent years, but do you understand what this means or how mycorrhizal fungi are different from other common fungi?
When it comes to harvest, no one knows your land and crops better than you. But don’t forget to dig into your data.
As harvest nears full swing in the Midwest and farmers are watching the yield data flow in on their monitors, there is little guidance on how to ensure that all the hard work of the season is recording properly in the cab.
As I drove around Southern IL this summer, I noticed a lot of fields that have areas in them that were showing the symptomology of SCN.
As the growing season progresses and we near harvest, Illinois soybean growers often see increased disease symptomology in their fields.
Cover crops are becoming increasingly popular to manage nutrients in a corn-soybean rotation. But they are not the only practice farmers can implement to enhance nutrient stewardship.
