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A modern approach to soil testing can lead to many benefits.
Setting up the right environment for soybeans to flourish in the early stages of the life cycle is crucial to improving yield potential.
The oomycete Phytophthora sojae, is a soil borne organism which is the predominant cause of Phytophthora root rot in soybeans. Believe it or not, P. sojae is fairly prevalent in Illinois, and under the correct conditions, this disease can result in reduced stands, blighted plants, or reduced productivity due to...
Do you know what the STS on your seed bag means and how it affects your planting decisions?
This article examines working capital to value of farm production for selected producer characteristics. Working capital to Value of Farm production is one of the traditional measures of liquidity suggested by the Farm Financial Standards Council (FFSC), with others being current ratio and working capital....
Weather through December and January has led to warmer and wetter soils than usual across much of the state.
