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Now is the time to visually inspect soybean plots in your area.
Will inoculants help stimulate healthy nodules?
Put together a herbicide strategy with active ingredients in mind.
On a recent Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) trade mission I sat down with a soybean buyer in Bangkok, Thailand, anticipating a friendly and productive meeting. The buyer looked at me, and the first words out of her mouth were: “Why is the quality of your soybeans so low?”
In southern states, stink bugs collectively are the costliest insect pest followed by corn earworm. While traditionally considered a southern pest, the range of stink bugs is moving north, and westward as average yearly temperatures continue to increase.
Learn how progressive farmers are managing their crops using plant growth regulators in combination with proper nutrition at critical crop stages from planting to harvest to break through yield barriers and realize greater yield potential.
