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Evaluating soil fertility balance sheet to make sure your application rate is correct.
Every few years, a healthy organization takes a close look at its direction and adjusts for the future. The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) recently did just that.
There’s no argument that 2020 has been a memorable year, but despite challenges, the soybean crop across the state looks promising. As we approach harvest, it’s important you are prepared to finish the season strong. Here are five tips for prepping for the 2020 soybean harvest.
Nutrient management and soil health practices must be linked for greatest benefits
As wheat planting season approaches, we evaluate expected returns for crop rotations that include wheat. Given current 2021 grain bids, a combination of wheat and double-crop-soybeans is projected more profitable than either corn or stand-alone-soybeans in southern Illinois.
Review current farm challenges, financial conditions and how to plan for success.
