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Cool and dry accurately describe Nebraska’s spring 2014 weather conditions. Al Dutcher, state climatologist, noted in the April 4 CropWatch that “…early spring temperatures are running approximately two to three weeks behind normal.”
Are farmers missing the boat when it comes to soybeans by not applying a starter in furrow?
Treating corn seed has long been tradition, but not treating soybeans. Corn seed has been treated with a fungicide for decades because hybrid seed production was commercial, and seed companies wanted to get the best performance out of each seed planted.
Pay attention to the basics. That’s the advice Eddie Tackett, an Arkansas farmer who regularly grows 100 bushel-per-acre soybeans, shared recently with growers at the Illinois Soybean Summit.
Recent studies show how cover crops benefit soil health, water quality and farmer profits, helping to fuel a renewed interest in using cover crops, according to Mike Plumer, coordinator, Illinois Council on Best Management Practices.
How much attention do you pay to producing soybeans on your farm each season? Do you have a plan that you follow to make sure you have optimized your soybean production practices? Or do you just repeat what you did last year?
