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With over 100 diseases that can attack soybean crops, why would charcoal rot rise to the top of the most wanted list?
Fungicide resistance can be a major threat to soybean disease control, and this resistance can take hold quickly if fungicides and their applications are not properly managed.
Be on the watch for Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) this season. Conditions have been right so far for an outbreak.
While June is the time to scout for weeds and perhaps a few pests, July is the time to scout for diseases and insects.
In Illinois, most soybeans are between R1 (first flower anywhere on the plant), R2 (flower on one of the top two nodes) and R3 (pod 3/16-inch at one of the uppermost four nodes).
With the increased prevalence of herbicide-resistant weeds, it’s important for farmers to diversify their weed-management plans to incorporate more modes and sites of action.
