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The 2014 Farm Bill will bring changes to key crop safety net provisions, and soon growers will need to make a long-term commitment to a new risk protection program.
ISA Director and soybean grower Don Guinnip farms near Marshall, in southern Illinois.
Planting continuous corn or a long corn and short bean rotation is common and farmers have learned how to manage through the challenges.
Producers plant soybeans either back into cornstalks or wheat stubble—both very high residue crops that can present some special challenges for the next crop.
It is well known that Dan Arkels, a LaSalle County grower, was the first grower in Illinois to break the 100-bushel yield barrier and have it officially verified across a commercial scale.
What will happen to your farm when you retire? Many farmers will pass the reigns to their children, but the details of these transitions aren’t always clear.
