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A 2014 on-farm research trial in Perry, Michigan, showed that foliar-applied manganese and sulfur were not effective in increasing nutrient uptake and soybean yield.
Was it the weather? SDS? Or a late flush of herbicide-resistant weeds? While 2014 turned out to be a favorable year for soybean production in Illinois, many growers felt that their yields could have been better if only one or two things had been different.
The 2014 growing season brought above-average, and even record-breaking, yields to Illinois. According to USDA estimates released this month, Illinois has claimed the title of top soybean-producing state for the second year in a row.
Unlock the secrets to better soybean profitability with an upcoming webinar, “Six Secrets of Soybean Success” by Fred Below, Ph.D., professor of plant physiology and crop sciences at the University of Illinois.
What are your top five factors at planting that can impact your 2015 soybean yields? Everyone can come up with their own list, but I will offer mine.
It is easy to see when weeds or insects develop resistance to a herbicide or insecticide. The weeds or insects are easy to spot in the field. Even some plant diseases are becoming resistant to some fungicides, as evidenced by the infected plants in the field.
