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This past two weeks have produced environmental conditions which have led to problems in our soybean fields.
How do soybean seeds and seedlings fare when soils become saturated or water ponds on a field?
Once your combine is clean inside and out and you’ve done your due diligence to insure that we are not spreading unwanted weed seed from farm to another, it’s time to think about controlling residue from the straw and chaff from the heads.
The University of Illinois Plant Clinic is excited to be providing a new service to Illinois soybean growers. The Clinic is now offering molecular screening of waterhemp populations for resistance to glyphosate and PPO inhibitor herbicides this growing season.
The Illinois Soybean Association Yield Challenge was launched in 2010, sparking growers to explore using new practices and technologies to raise the yield level for this important crop.
The weather has been wet down here in Southwest Illinois with storms coming and going and more storms on the way. Rains on Mother’s Day weekend ranged from 1 to 6 inches.
