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Nutrient Regulations: The possibility in Illinois has farmers on edge. With regulations in the Chesapeake Bay and Ohio, and litigation in Iowa, it seems inevitable that it’s just a matter of time in Illinois.
Selection of your wheat variety is the first step for increasing your double-crop soybean yield.
Here in southern Illinois it feels like a brisk fall day, the temperature at 7:00 a.m. was 55 degrees.
Soybeans in my area are coming along nicely, but it didn’t always look so good for them. Two weeks ago I was finding a lot of White Mold and Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in just about every field I looked in.
It’s August and that is when soybeans make yield. Soybeans are at late R4 (ending pod set) or R5 (beginning seed set)
Many of you are being bombarded with information about the “latest” seed enhancement to increase yield in soybeans
