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Soybean planting has yet to begin in earnest in Kansas, based on the USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report from April 25, 2016.
The first and most economical approach (a.k.a. save money) to manage many of the pathogens that impact soybean in the state of Ohio is to pick varieties that have the right resistance package.
Hopefully you got your soybeans planted during your desired window and into good soil conditions.
In 2014, Dan Arkels, soybean farmer from Peru, Illinois, became the first verified 100-plus bushel soybean grower in Illinois with 104 bushels beans.
When looking for a soybean residual herbicide program, I have yet to find one that is a silver bullet for every weed across the board.
No argument from most farmers—it has been wet the past month with frequent rains and brief planting windows.
