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The two most common foliar diseases in Illinois that will respond to fungicides are Frogeye leaf spot and Septoria brown spot.
While the early spring and long hot dry spell in June allowed wheat to mature early and harvest to occur about 5-7 days earlier than normal, field conditions at the time of harvest and afterward were quite variable for planting double crop soybeans.
It’s a long way from Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico—but out of sight cannot mean out of mind when it comes to managing nutrients on your fields.It’s a long way from Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico—but out of sight cannot mean out of mind when it comes to managing nutrients on your fields.
Weed resistance is a fact of life when growing corn and soybeans.
This past weekend I was scrolling through Twitter and came across a feed that had been started by a well-known and respected Illinois agronomist posting an article from Academia in Arkansas on the use of tissue testing as a guide for foliar nutrition applications (it’s a very good article, by the way).
We can easily see corn showing drought symptoms, but signs of soybeans under drought stress may not be as evident.
