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A common frustration growers have with soybeans is the tendency for the grain to get excessively dry (under 10%) on a plant whose stems remain green and tough.
When making next year’s soybean variety decisions know your fields, recognize potential disease issues, do your variety homework and optimize your agronomy to get the best yields possible.
If you are a double-cropper, the rotation all begins with the wheat you plant this fall so it is important to get the crop off to a good start.
Members of the Illinois farm community traveled to Iowa in August, as part of an Illinois Farm Bureau sponsored educational tour of Iowa's nutrient management techniques.
September is here and we are counting the days till soybean harvest.
The 2016 InfoAg Conference, held in St. Louis in early August, brought together over 1700 participants from 20 different countries to learn about and discuss new ideas and technology for crop production.
