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It’s that time of year again, that time when all the fertilizer, chemical and seed dealers, reps and retailers have their winter meetings.
Are the Maturity Group (MG) ratings we are accustomed to still accurate and do they reflect the maturity of the varieties we should be planting today?
On December 9, the USDA released the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report for December.
The Soybean Summits will bring valuable management resources to local farmers this winter.
It’s time to think about applying gypsum in the fall to build soil structure while trapping phosphate on the landscape so it doesn’t end up moving off the field into surface waters.
This past growing season personnel from Southern Illinois University, Iowa State University and University of Illinois evaluated more than 580 soybean varieties from 22 seed companies in USB-sponsored sudden death syndrome (SDS) variety trials.
