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The Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System is an advanced weed management system in the fight against resistant and tough-to-control weeds in soybeans and cotton.
Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the two main concerns when addressing impairments to water quality.
Recent results from the USDA/NASS 2015 Producer Survey show marked improvements in the implementation of practices outlined in the Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy.
When is a good time to plant soybeans, and is late winter too early?
Current 2017 fall delivery bids for central Illinois are near $10 per bushel for soybeans while corn is near $3.60 per bushel.
Glyphosate and PPO inhibitor Summary: 593 field samples representing approximately 2,000 waterhemp or palmer amaranth plants were tested for herbicide resistance at the University of Illinois Plant Clinic in the 2016 season.
