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SCN and SDS represent large threats to soybean production in Illinois.
Kristofer Ehler, Thomasboro, Ill., is the first honoree in a new Illinois soybean checkoff-funded program to recognize Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs) who excel in helping farmers improve soybean production.
The record-setting 2016 Illinois average soybean yield of 59 bushels/acre—up from 56 bushels/acre in 2014 and 2015—also gained ground on quality.
Growers and agronomists know that soybeans are legumes and fix most of the nitrogen they need in the nodules they carry and support on the roots.
The commercial base (CB) and ILeVO (CB + fluopyram) seed treatments decreased risk and substantially increase profit across a wide range of seeding rates.
Planting cover crops is the rage but don’t go into it without a little preparation.
