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Saturated soils after soybean planting can cause uneven emergence and stand reductions of varying extent depending on the stage of the soybean plant and other environmental factors including temperature and duration of saturated conditions.
Bean leaf beetles are usually the first insect pest to attack soybeans early and come around later for another bite as well.
Have you checked the health of your soil lately? Checking respiration of your soil is like checking your pulse—indicating your health level, but not what may be impeding or stimulating it.
Septoria brown spot (SBS) is the second biggest disease threat to soybean yield after soybean cyst nematode.
Jason Haegele from WinField United explains the basics of tissue testing, including nutrient uptake and interaction, sampling methods, sufficiency levels, and how to interpret results.
With frequent spates of warm weather this winter, it’s been an unusual wheat growing year.
