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Compensating for late-planted soybeans
Wet weather not only caused planting delays and replants, but also has impacted the soybean crop.
ISA is continuing its podcasts, connecting agronomy experts with Illinois farmers to share their insights, experiences and recommendations on growing high-yielding, profitable soybeans.
Over the last several decades there have been substantial yield improvements in soybean.
We want Illinois soybean farmers to be the most knowledgeable and profitable producers in the world, and the checkoff-funded platform was created to do just that - to help you become a better soybean manager, while increasing yields and improving your bottom line.
Herbicide resistance is an evolutionary process – one that began decades ago and grows each season. With new discoveries in herbicide resistance becoming more complex, the weed-control battle proves to be a never-ending uphill climb for U.S. soybean farmers.
