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The 2021 planting season ran long again this year, starting in late March and continuing into early June.
Scouting has become a historical activity in many areas and has been replaced with a drive-by at 15 miles per hour.
Wheat harvest will begin in the southern-most tip of Illinois in just a matter of days, and double crop soybean planting will be right behind it.
Through my lifelong experiences in agriculture and as a beekeeper, I have sometimes observed conflict between my fellow apiarists and row-crop farmers.
Jason Carr, CCA Soy Envoy and Bayer Crop Science technology development representative, joins the podcast to share the value fungicide treatments bring to soybean management programs to protect yields.
If it’s been a while since you’ve looked at your estate plan, or if you need to establish one, there’s no better—or more pressing—time than now. This webinar will provide insights on the importance of estate and tax strategy right now, highlights surrounding the latest predictions and expectations, as well as...
