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Don’t let your cereal rye cover crop cause premium loss in specialty grains.
Marestail, one of the first glyphosate-resistant weeds identified in row crops, is still among the top driver-weeds that can significantly impact your soybean crop each year. With planting kicking off, marestail management should be top of mind.
Slugs can be a difficult pest to manage when conditions are favorable for them, which has been the case often (particularly in southern Illinois) over the last couple of years.
Soybean seeding rate is one of the most heavily debated and frankly, in my humble opinion, the most overthought agronomic decision we make in soybean.
Recently, both agronomists and growers have been circling around the question of soybean row width and during a recent Twitter poll, 37% voted for me to write about soybean row spacing.
This spring, plant some soybeans early and wait for “perfect” soil conditions for corn.
