Recent Posts

Some quick points on red crown rot in Illinois and how to identify it in your soybean fields.
Early season drought issues across Southern Brazil (Mato Grosso Do Sul, Parana, and Rio Grande do Sul) robbed Brazil of a record setting soybean crop for the 2021-22 growing season.
Five decisions that farmers make when growing soybeans and their impact on profitability including planting date, seed treatment, planting rate, row spacing, and foliar fungicide application.
This is the fourth in a series of blog posts from NASS. This time, writing about the 2022 Census of Agriculture. It’s coming this year and everyone is urged to respond.
Brady Holst discusses resolution realization, cost complexity, evaluation expectations, and preconceived problems when it comes to broad data collection for on farm accuracy.
Ag producers are joining forces for business advantages.
