Recent posts about AMP - Agribusiness Management

Meet Brock Willard. He’s a soybean, corn and hog farmer that operates with his grandfather and uncle outside of Griggsville, Ill. He’s also one of the Illinois Soybean Association’s (ISA) Soy Ambassadors, a leadership program sponsored by ISA checkoff and membership programs.
In 2019, the total of all economic costs per acre for growing corn in Illinois averaged $878 in the northern section, $912 in the central section for farmland with “high” soil ratings, $887 in the central section for farmland with “low” soil ratings, and $851 in the southern section.
The coronavirus and its control measures have changed economic outlook, leading to lower soybean prices.
Do these five things this year to prepare for spring planting during social distancing.
From cash flow to capital purchases, budgeting is an important tool in your profitability box.
Learn how to take control of your profitability and calculate your breakeven price.
